proc writetofile { record data } {
set i [expr [lindex $record 0]-1]
set data [lreplace $data $i $i $record]
set fp [open "data.txt" w]
foreach x $data {
puts $fp $x
close $fp
puts "Transaction Successful."
proc depo { record data } {
puts "**********\t Deposit Menu \t**********"
puts "Enter amount to deposit:"
gets stdin amount
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
set record [lreplace $record 5 5 [expr [lindex $record 5]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} else {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
writetofile $record $data
proc withd { record data } {
puts "**********\t Withdrawal Menu \t**********"
puts "Enter amount to withdraw:"
gets stdin amount
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
if {[lindex $record 4]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
if {[lindex $record 5]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 5 5 [expr [lindex $record 5]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} else {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
if {[lindex $record 4]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
writetofile $record $data
proc bal { record } {
puts "**********\t Balance Enquiry \t**********"
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Both\n4.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
4 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} elseif {[lindex $data $index 3]=="S"} then {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
} else {
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
proc menu { record data } {
puts "**********\tMain Menu\t**********"
puts "1.Deposit\n2.Withdrawal\n3.Balance Enquiry\n4.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
depo $record $data
2 {
withd $record $data
3 {
bal $record
4 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
set fp [open "data.txt" r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
set data [split $file_data "\n"]
puts "**********/tWelcome To ATM Services./t**********"
set attempts 0
while {$attempts<3 br=""> incr attempts
puts "Enter your user id:"
gets stdin userid
puts "Enter your pin:"
gets stdin pin
if {[string length $pin]!=4} then {
puts "PIN should be of 4 digits only!!! Please try again. [expr 3-$attempts] attempts left!!!"
set index 0
foreach record $data {
if {$userid==[lindex $record 1] && $pin==[lindex $record 2]} then {
set index [lindex $record 0]
if {$index!=0} then {
puts "Welcome, $userid."
menu [lindex $data [expr $index-1]] $data
} else {
puts "Wrong Credentials!!! Please try again. [expr 3-$attempts] attempts left!!!"
set i [expr [lindex $record 0]-1]
set data [lreplace $data $i $i $record]
set fp [open "data.txt" w]
foreach x $data {
puts $fp $x
close $fp
puts "Transaction Successful."
proc depo { record data } {
puts "**********\t Deposit Menu \t**********"
puts "Enter amount to deposit:"
gets stdin amount
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
set record [lreplace $record 5 5 [expr [lindex $record 5]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} else {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]+$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
writetofile $record $data
proc withd { record data } {
puts "**********\t Withdrawal Menu \t**********"
puts "Enter amount to withdraw:"
gets stdin amount
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
if {[lindex $record 4]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
if {[lindex $record 5]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 5 5 [expr [lindex $record 5]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} else {
puts "Current Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
if {[lindex $record 4]<$amount} then {
puts "Insufficient Funds!!!"
} else {
set record [lreplace $record 4 4 [expr [lindex $record 4]-$amount]]
puts "New Modified Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
writetofile $record $data
proc bal { record } {
puts "**********\t Balance Enquiry \t**********"
if {[lindex $record 3]=="SC"} then {
puts "1.Savings Account\n2.Current Account\n3.Both\n4.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
2 {
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
3 {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 5]/="
4 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
} elseif {[lindex $data $index 3]=="S"} then {
puts "Savings Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
} else {
puts "Current Account Balance is: Rs.[lindex $record 4]/="
proc menu { record data } {
puts "**********\tMain Menu\t**********"
puts "1.Deposit\n2.Withdrawal\n3.Balance Enquiry\n4.Exit\nEnter Choice:"
gets stdin choice
switch $choice {
1 {
depo $record $data
2 {
withd $record $data
3 {
bal $record
4 {
default {
puts "Invalid Input!!! Exiting Now..."
set fp [open "data.txt" r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
set data [split $file_data "\n"]
puts "**********/tWelcome To ATM Services./t**********"
set attempts 0
while {$attempts<3 br=""> incr attempts
puts "Enter your user id:"
gets stdin userid
puts "Enter your pin:"
gets stdin pin
if {[string length $pin]!=4} then {
puts "PIN should be of 4 digits only!!! Please try again. [expr 3-$attempts] attempts left!!!"
set index 0
foreach record $data {
if {$userid==[lindex $record 1] && $pin==[lindex $record 2]} then {
set index [lindex $record 0]
if {$index!=0} then {
puts "Welcome, $userid."
menu [lindex $data [expr $index-1]] $data
} else {
puts "Wrong Credentials!!! Please try again. [expr 3-$attempts] attempts left!!!"
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